Grounding Stones for Living Your Truth Inside and Out
In essence Malachite is a stone about connecting the energies of life. They hold energies that nurture the Heart Chakra which is the cross-roads of all energies and is the superhighway for all information to flow. In everyday life this means within the self - the mind, the body, communicating with the desires of the spirit. This also includes all connections with other people, places, experiences, and past memories. Emotions are the tools used to send information in this way.
Living life means experiencing emotional friction and flow. Malachite is the stone that will create reconciliation within the mind body and spirit on the inside and increase the living in accordance with emotional harmony. Malachite will also boost and fortify inner knowing of the self’s existence. It will assist to create, to adjust, and to stand one’s ground in order to cultivate inner harmony with these specific inner truths.
There is the inner world. There is the outer world which connects the being to other people and the circumstances of life. These stones create create a consistent thread through them both for these truths to flow.
If you want to live your truth, you are in the right place.
If you want live the life that feel authentically chosen by you, you are in the right place.
If you want to have good boundaries, you are in the right place.
If you want expel and repel energy vampires and energy bulldozers, you are in the right place.
If you ready, let’s see how Malachite will harmonize these inner and outer connections for you.
The Properties of Malachite
Malachite are striking green stones with white circular banding. These are deeply healing stones containing incredible grounding forces of nature that transmit a healing gravity. When used this gravity draws the person towards their most raw, intimate authentic self and also repels negativity.
In the same way that they have truth gravity and reveal truths, they detox unusable energies that can be toxic to the body, toxic thoughts, toxic relationships, toxic people, toxic beliefs, and toxic memories.
The Benefits of Malachite
Malachite are stones of connection and authenticity. When worn they come into physical contact with the energy field of the body mind and spirit and create a protective force that resists energies that do not harmonize with the inner authenticity. These are Heart healing stones that boost the Heart Chakra and encourage the pursuit of self-knowledge, calculating emotional risks and taking chances to improve well being, richness, and cooperation.
Malachite are amazing means for balancing emotions. They encourage mutual, nurturing relationships, and they lower the resistance to taking conflicts with others. Lowering the resistance means that necessary conversations happen at the right time. This will lowers anxiety, disappointment, resentments, and depression. Authentic boundaries happen from taking a conflict and Malachite increases the urge and works on behalf of authenticity and mutuality to achieve results.
Malachite has the ability to make transparent the justifications, rationalizations, distractions, and oppressive behaviors to show underlying truth. These stones reveal objective, true natures in order to enable freely negotiated cooperation.
The Meanings of Malachite
Malachite are incredible stones for fortifying and when necessary re-calculating authenticity. They challenge if one is living in harmony and in spiritual alignment with their inner desires. The answers can be felt through the emotions. The emotions signal the amount of alignment based on how they sing.
Malachite amplifies the music and like the orchestra’s conductor makes sure the instruments are in-tune and are playing the song on-tempo and together.
If the person is being un-true to their own nature in what they say, do, and think… then the emotions will sing this.
If the person is being un-caring to the self or unfair treatment by others… then the emotions will cry out.
If the person sees un-true things then the emotions will let it be known and steps can be made to adjust.
Harmony and dissonance show through the emotions.
Did you know?
Daily use of Malachite will improve all of your relationships and in particular the one with yourself!
Having useful boundaries, positive interactions, and mutual cooperation is a challenge for many. But it doesn’t need to stay this way. Being pleasant and nice is conditioned to be a good thing, Malachite is a practical stone of truth.
Assessing Authenticity
When worn, Malachite will increase your desires for self knowledge and living a freely chosen life that is authentic to your inner desires and passions. Your spirit and inner guides hold this knowledge. Wearing Malachite enables it to communicate effectively with you through your emotions… the stones are an energetic and physical reminder to listen to what your emotions are speaking to you. These are also energy protection stones that resist people and experiences that have friction with your self knowledge. The stones will actually repel these energies away from you and protecting you.
Using Malachite will present opportunities to state, confirm, and to guide yourself along this path. The stones amplify your emotions more which makes it easier to listen. Using these stones is your statement that you are open to receiving this self knowledge while you are wearing them. This information is your self truth. Working with and embracing it means cultivating the connections and embracing the harvest.
The process is iterative and can be revisited at any time. Working with Malachite is like stairs. There are efforts made to feel things in new ways and to open up for new realizations. Suddenly there is a new step up as ascension to a new stair happens.
Using Malachite is looking at how things are, letting your emotions tell you if you are in alignment, and then acting on those emotions to create balance in your life that feels right in your Heart.
In Conclusion
The abilities of the Malachite stones to create harmony is based within the messages of your mind, body, and spirit. The stones will increase their sending capacity and increase the amount of this inner guidance that you are asking to receive. Listening to this is worth its weight in gold because this is your truth and for you to decide what matters.
Clearing the path for your truth is instrumental in singing your life song. Use Malachite to clear the path of your extraordinary life that makes the Heart sing!
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👇 If you would like to see more of everyday uses search “malachite” below 👇
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