The Manifesting Crystal - Clear Quartz Meaning, Benefits, & Uses



Clear Quartz is an extraordinary crystal that can be found all around the world. It is universally recognized as very powerful and remarkable stone by both healers and scientist alike.


Clear Quartz Crystal Meaning

Throughout history, Clear Quartz has been valued by every civilization and is said to be harnessing and reflecting the power of the Sun. The Clear Quartz meaning is partially based in the belief that it is the "Ultimate Gift of Mother Earth.”



Clear Quartz Crystal Benefits

Clear Quartz amplifies the energy or intent that is programmed into it. Once an intent, wish or desire has been programmed, it will continuously attract and draw it to you, even when you are not thinking about it.

Clear Quartz stones also bring clarity of the mind, helping you to focus and become clear on your dreams and desires. It will assist with removing any blockages or hurtles to clear the way for your wish or desire.



Clear Quartz Crystal Uses

Clear Quartz is the best stone for manifesting the things you desire in your life and can be worn daily to do so.

This crystal also offers many healing benefits and will help you on a daily basis to dispel negativity while amplifying positive feelings and thoughts.


Did you know? That Clear Quartz can be used to amplify and clear your other crystals, amazing!