


Meaning Benefits Properties & Uses of Citrine

The Stone for Vitalizing Life’s Creation Forces

Citrine are powerful stones for stirring and exhilarating the mind, the body, and the spirit with deep energy and vigor. These are highly effective stones that will magnetize and draw in success, wealth, and good fortune. These stones increase vital energy that positively charges the inner strength turning a person into a success magnet.

If you want to flood your life with energy, you are in the right place.

If you want to attract new success, joy, people, and happiness into your life, you are in the right place.

If you want shield envy and jealousy, you are in the right place.

If you want to release negative feelings and undesired energies holding you back, you are in the right place.

If you ready to magnetize then let’s see what the Citrine stone can do for you.


Citrine Properties

The Properties of Citrine

Citrine are semi-transparent yellow crystals varying in shades but all colors appear as if glowing with radiant energy.

Citrine like lemons contain concentrated sunlight ready to burst forth energy into the body, mind and spirit. Lemonade!

The Benefits of Citrine

Citrine are provide excellent source energy for a variety of situations. Here are a few to get the thinking going on how they can be of most benefit.

Citrine increases attraction forces that increase well-being. For business success, they will increase the energies for wealth, prosperity, and bringing in more money. When worn these stones energize the physical energy field and ignite the inner forces that increase self confidence and self reliance making the person feel more sure of oneself. This will boost success in establishing credibility and deal-making. These are fantastic stones to have present in all business activities.

To the body and mind, they will increase emotional and physical health. They will increase all types of relationships. They will enable the release of long out-dated anger and resentments from the past regarding resentments, disappointments, and feeling not good enough while increasing the urges to act on inner desires and feeling more bold. Relief and lightness together lead to more pleasant experiences and the attracting of desirable people into daily interactions. At the same time Citrine holds shielding properties pushing away negative people from casting envy and jealousy. They will seem to lose steam and eventually vanish completely.

Citrine ignites and emboldens the inner drives for new pursuits and deep desires to shape what is to come.


Citrine Meanings

The Meanings of Citrine

Citrine stones are fantastic attracting stones that also clear away the weights holding a person down. They exist as one of nature’s secrets to setting the burdens and baggage of the past down and at the same time rewards through new freshness and wide open the doors of opportunity.

Using these stones one can recognize and create success in all facets of life rapidly. Citrine takes down the walls and barriers that hold a person back.

Did you know?

Daily use of Citrine will energize you and lighten the load all at the same time!


Everyday Use


Imagine the weight-lifter that loses unneeded weight but keeps the strength.

Energizing Your Attraction Forces

When worn, Citrine feels outstanding. The energy locked inside of these stones flows out and through the mind body and spirit energizing and unlocking deeply held inner powers. Lingering feeling of the past lose their weight and lessons learned can be retained just like the weight-lifter did. This new capacity and strength unlocks your personal power. You feel great, look great and this radiance draws in the best people and the most positive experiences while releasing old, outdated experiences for positivity.

If it is a new relationship that you seek most then Citrine will support your radiance. If it is business success, wealth, and money then Citrine will give you increased self confidence and belief in yourself to persist all the way through and to watch them materialize in your hands. If it is stronger family bonds then Citrine will increase listening, understanding, compassion, grounding, and unity.

Did you know? Citrine is called the Merchant’s Stone

In Conclusion

The abilities of the Citrine to bring prosperity and well being into your life is remarkable. While known as energizing these are deep healing stones which is a key ingredient of success. Use Citrine stones to magnetize you and bring to you the extraordinary life that you deserve.

If you have more questions about Citrine you can leave them in the comments below, Remember to Like and Share this Article with others.

👇 If you would like to see more of everyday uses search “citrine” below 👇


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