What is the Third Eye Chakra – the Om
The 6th Chakra – Third Eye Chakra is the center for your Intuition. This means the space were you can see underlying truth. The Third Eye no longer sees a you and them, a separation is no longer present. Good and bad is also no longer present. There are just truths that exist underlying everything.
Intuition is how to see inside of things. Through the Intuition can one see Universal truths.
This Chakra is a space where desires and compulsions do not exist and where control over one's mental and physical desires and compulsions is valued and shaped.
This is a space for understanding the “why”, for in-spiration, increasing positive thinking, eliminating negative thinking, for strengthening concentration, and for strengthening complete focus.
The Third Eye is the space where you realize your “true self” and sets out on the journey of your path, which is the best life path you have freely chosen for yourself. This means the highest and best use of abilities and interests to offer the world what you think it needs most from you. And then living the journey of doing this each day throughout your life.