Yoga increases Well Being by helping the Self becomes aware of energy blocks within the Body.
Well Being and being overweight are two of many states that are results of feelings. In their most basic form Feelings are Energy Information that is processed by the Mind and processed separately by the Body. Yoga is a way of bringing Body signals into the Mind's awareness. Feeling good is natural and is a magnet for more good feelings. When enough good feelings come together this is what is called Well Being. In terms of weight loss, the Body gains blocks from feeling bad that is visible as excess weight on the body. It is not the weight that is the root, it is the feelings. This means that releasing the bad feelings enables the weight to be released. Releasing this negative emotional energy feels liberating and lighter.
But how does emotional energy make me skinnier or look better. When the Self feels good something happens in the Being that changes everything: the habits of the person begin to shift into a positive pattern. This means more good thoughts, more good feelings, and more Self Care. This means more positive choices. All of this positive feels good which like a magnet creates desire or more good feelings and more positive energy.
Yoga & Meditation are two tools that are used for the Body and for the Mind to connect with the Mind-Body-Spirit which is the whole being. Doing Yoga gives you chances to practice going into this good feeling. It gives you a positive mental space to take care of your Self: the Body witnessed by the Mind and the Spirit. Yoga gives you practice existing in this good feeling space. And in this good space there is no overweight, there is no worry, no depression, no anxiety, no can’t do this, or problems with sleep. There is only feeling good and good feelings everywhere.
Going into the Yoga ‘space’ trains the mind to feel good together with the Body and to come into a harmony for you the Being and to enable more Well Being to gather. This is what makes overweight become an experience of the past.