How To Pick The Right Crystal Use Benefits Meaning
Answers to Your Top Questions About Using Crystals
(Excerpt from eBook Living Your Peaceful Island - Download Yours Right Here)
Crystals and gemstones have properties that have different effects on how a person feels. Just like wearing the color red or turquoise affects how you feel, wearing a turquoise stone has certain effects when they come into contact either in jewelry or as a pocket stone or as décor in a room.
Because of the experienced effects that have become known, we can generalize about the crystals and say that a Obsidian volcanic stone has properties, benefits, meanings, and uses. And so based on this you can use a stone like black Obsidian as a protection stone against negative energy from others and yellow Citrine to to attract success, money, and wealth.
When you hold the stones in your hand you can either know this or sense it for yourself and you can read the list of benefits for example on Insights by Peaceful Island to get a head start.
Reading about the stone is good for a general idea, and the truth is in what you feel it is for you which is very specific to your life. At this exact moment ask yourself: does this stone “ make me feel good and then what does it make me feel good about in my life right now. ” “ ” It is probably true that you know what you most need right now, this is usually clear for people. The trouble that many have is actually taking the first steps to make an important life change. Get this crystal and you have made the first necessary step you have been longing to make.
This combined approach of reading the benefits and uses, asking yourself if this feels right to you, and just browsing around looking for what feels really good for you at this
moment work extremely well to finding the right stone with the right benefits for you … right now. And in one step the only commitment that you have to actually make to change your life is to to get this stone. Then the fun begins with more momentum.
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